So you’re a big fan of Teen City, and now you want to give us a hand. Maybe you came down on a mission’s trip, or maybe you heard about us through a friend. Maybe you just fell in love with our teens and now you want to get to know them better.
Well, we can help! No, you can’t take our teen’s home with you, but you can spend some time getting to know one of them better… or more than one if you’d like. With sponsoring Baja Vision Ministries with the teen city designation you can help us support one or more of our children while building a meaningful relationship with them by sending them letters and gifts.
Teen city provides
Water potable and for hygiene
Medical Care
A Christian Education
Teen City Sponsorship
By supporting Baja Vision Ministries – teen city program you can help us support one or more of our teens while building a meaningful relationship with them by sending them letters and gifts, also You can sign up to have your monthly donations automatically deducted from your credit card or PayPal account.
Things for the teens
We are more than thankful for any and all donations you or your church or individuals are willing to contribute.
We are always in need of shoes! Teens are constantly running around and growing, so there is always a need for shoes.
In addition, these are the other biggest areas of need:
Body wash and shampoo
School supplies (backpacks, pens, pencils, notebooks, and scissors)
With our tighter budget, buying some of the simpler things for our teens has become more difficult. If you are able to send us any of the following items, they will be used for our teens.
Bath Towels
Combs, and Hair Gel
Underwear and Socks in all teen’s Sizes
We are also in need of basic food staples. If you can provide us with any of the following items, you can help us relieve our monthly budget. Items that we use on a daily basis that can be shipped or delivered include:
Canned fruit & vegetables
Fresh fruit & vegetables
Powdered milk
Care packages can be mailed to our National City address (listed at the bottom of the page), however due to the high cost of shipping, it may be more effective to use PayPal to donate an amount of money. When the money is donated, you can specify what you want it to be for.